4 Steps to Work in Germany

Step 1 - Looking for a Job:
The labour market in Germany offers various worthwhile career opportunities for qualified professionals. Both citizens from the EU and Non-EU are able to work in Germany.
For more information on the Visa and working permits check out the direct link for the VISA & PERMITS section on our website: https://welcome-center-germany.com/category/visas-permits/
After being eligible to apply for a working permit it is time to hunt for job opportunities. There are several ways to search for a vacancy; starting by contacting the companies directly, newspapers and advertisements or on the listings of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and the EURES network.
Once you found an enticing job vacancy it is time to get your qualifications recognised by the German Authorities.
Some things to consider are:
- Knowing what your qualification is equivalent to in Germany.
- If there are any additional qualifications required for the job you applied.
- If your qualifications are sufficient enough for the post you applied.
Armed with this information, it will be easier for you to submit your application.
After getting your qualifications recognised, finally, you can apply for the job. In Germany, many companies like to receive all the documents in a folder by post, however, there is also the possibility to send them online as well. Normally, the documents required are a covering letter and a curriculum vitae (CV) with the personal details, working experience, education, working skills, special interests and certificates. There are many different CV forms you can download, however, a common and recognized one is the Europass.
If your application makes a good impression, the company will invite you for an interview!
Step 2 – Visa Application
There are two main categories expats fall under. Citizens from the EU, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein do not need a Visa in order to work in Germany. EU nationals and the countries mentioned can enjoy the freedom of movement and working in Germany. On the other hand, Non-EU nationals have to apply for a working permit. Please find the Work Permit section on our website for more detailed information: https://welcome-center-germany.com/work-permit/
Step 3 – Moving to Germany
You have got the job in Germany, congratulations! In order to feel at home, the next thing you have to find is a comfortable and welcoming accommodation. This step can be stressful, however, if well planned it could be a delighting experience.
If you have arrived in Germany and not found where to stay, it is best to opt for some short term accommodation such as; hotels, hostels or share a flat. This will give you enough time to shop around for the right accommodation or property.
The next step is to decide whether you want to rent or buy a property. You can find various properties both to rent and to buy on daily newspapers, rental agencies and online. In the case of renting, you will need to sign a lease. This acts as a contract stating how much you will have to pay monthly, the period of the lease and the terms stated by the owner. Although transport in Germany is quite efficient, it is recommended to find an accommodation in the vicinities of your work place.
Once you found a place to live, you can finally relax and start enjoying Germany.
Step 4 – Start Living!
Once the stress of moving is off your shoulders and you are getting used to your new work, it is time to explore Germany. Start by visiting our website regarding the best places to go in Berlin, this will give you an idea of where the best places are. If you are staying in another city, worry not as there are many amazing locations to visit in whole Germany. Go to excursions and take tours all around the map. You can travel by train, bus, taxi or for the optimum experience rent a car or a motorbike. If you already have a car, you also have the option to importing your car to Germany.
For more information, kindly visit: https://welcome-center-germany.com/import-or-rent-a-car/
The next step is to make some friends. You can do this through integration courses where you will meet people that just arrived in Germany, just like you! Not only will you be making friends but you will also be learning German and gathering knowledge about your new home country. You can also make friends when attending excursions or tours and similar activities. If you wish to interact more with the locals go to the Mauerpark on a Sunday afternoon where many locals gather for a picnic or to hunt some bargains at the massive flee market.
Using the four steps will help you familiarise more yourself on how to prepare for your journey to Germany and what to do when you get there in order to have an unforgettable experience.