Dog liability insurance in Germany: why do I need it?

Updated on
December 9, 2019
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By the time you are settled in Germany, you will understand one of the certain truths: If something exists, you will most likely need insurance to cover it. Regardless of whether your dog moved to Germany with you, or you adopted a new friend after arriving in your new home, a dog liability insurance in Germany is something worth considering.

What is dog liability and why do I need it?

It's very simple: Generally speaking, in Germany, you are liable for damages you cause to others, even if by accident. That's why most Germans have Personal Liability insurance. You are also liable for any damages your pets cause; you would need a separate dog-liability insurance to cover against the trouble your puppy could cause.In some German states, including Hamburg, Berlin, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen, owners are required by law to have dog liability insurance.

What am I insured against?

Hundehaftpflicht works similarly to private liability insurance. Where the latter covers you if you mess up, this one is specifically there to provide coverage for what your dog does. More specifically, this insurance covers:

  • Medical injuries: If your dog ends up causing physical harm to other people
  • Broken objects: for when your dog ends up breaking other people's stuff
  • Dog liability insurance also covers other financial losses that could be caused by a dog's misbehavior.

Any Recommendations?

Our partner, Coya, offers a large portfolio of German insurances in English for affordable prices. This includes Dog Liability Insurance that is open to all dog breeds, something that is not available through all insurance companies. Coya’s policies and customer support are also all in English, so it would be a great choice for you. Check them out here!

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