German University Entrance Qualification

Qualify for German University Entrance
If you plan to study at any German university you need the correct University entrance qualification Germany, which is the official certificate of leaving school known as “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”. Your certificate needs to demonstrate all the qualifications needed for university studies in Germany, if your qualifications are unsuitable you can opt to join a foundation course (known as "Studienkolleg") before applying to universities.
Recognition of Secondary School-Leaving Certificates Issued Outside Germany
The DAAD entrance qualification database will assist in discovering whether your secondary school-leaving certificate is suitable for immediate entry to German universities. You need to detail your country of origin and secondary schooling and will find out whether your school-leaving certificate and qualifications are accepted general university admissions or if you may be accepted for subject-restricted admission. It's possible your school-leaving certificate will be accepted alongside one or two years successful university studies in your home country, alternatively DAAD may immediately recognise your school-leaving certificate is not acceptable for entry to German universities.If you arrived from one of the EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland it's highly likely school-leaving certificates considered acceptable for university studies in these countries will also be recognised in Germany. Former students at German schools overseas with an “Abitur” will also find it's recognised by German universities.If you plan to study arts, you may be admitted if you display considerable talent in your subject and will need to submit samples or pass an aptitude exam.You can also research country-specific details and examination certificates on the Anabin database, which provides evaluations of overseas educational certificates. You may need help to access Anabin as it is only available in German. You need to specify your home country and education certificates to search the Anabin website and will find out whether your education certificates are recognised by German universities and if you need to meet any further requirements.
Contact German Universities Direct
Individual universities make final decisions on admissions, so it is a good idea to contact the International Office at chosen universities to confirm whether or not your application will be accepted.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Your skill in the German language is based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The three levels are: Basic User(A); Independent User(B); and Proficient User(C) and these are then split into six subgroups ranging from an Absolute Beginner (A1)to a near native speaker(C2).
Studienkolleg or Foundation Course
You need to pass entrance examinations to join foundation courses in Germany and language skills at B1 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages are a minimum essential. You will be examined in a number of subjects at the conclusion of your foundation course, these will be related to the university studies you intend to pursue. These tests are known as the university entrance assessment examination or “Feststellungsprüfung” and German language skills are tested within the examination.Fees are not usually charged for foundation courses, however you will be expected to pay the semester contribution typically levied on all enrolled students. You should expect between 28 and 32 hours of tutorials each week and foundation courses normally last at least two semesters. Students who excel may be permitted to take the university entrance assessment examination at the end of the first semester.
TestAS Aptitude Tests
The TestAS ("Test für Ausländische Studierende" aptitude tests cost 80 euros and can be taken at any worldwide TestAS centre, several times each year if necessary. These tests give you a good indicator of your ability to cope with studies at German universities. The tests consist of language skills, specialist testing in your subject area and cognitive ability questions.You can find out more about university entrance qualification Germany if you check out the DAAD website direct.