International Students in Germany

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Germany is one of the leading locations for international students. International students Germany discover the benefits of German universities include top quality standards of teaching combined with low fees for tuition, high living standards and secure campus sites. Germany is in the top four study destinations, ranking behind the United States, Britain and Australia. Students enjoy opportunities to acquire specialist educations and benefit from language learning opportunities while living in Germany, giving them great career prospects in their home country or if they opt to stay in Germany.

Young Students

The German universities are particularly attractive options for younger students from the Eastern European bloc and developing countries. Low tuition fees are very strong motivators for these younger students, who find studies in Germany make far more economic sense when they compare German fees against those charged by US or UK universities. The requirement to pay lower tuition fees means graduates won't have to spend so much time repaying loans, so earnings and career moves actually do give greater benefit. Ultimately, paying higher tuition fees is being questioned by many younger students who feel high fees are mortgaging their long term prospects.


A survey by the German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk or DSW) highlighted that international student numbers had risen from 100,033 in 1997 to 189,450 in the year 2006, with total international student numbers increasing in all years in this date range. About 51 percent of international students arrive in Germany from Europe, with almost 32 percent from Asia, small percentages from America and Africa and 0.2 percent of overseas students arrive from Australia.Studying overseas is also an attractive option for German students, 75,800 Germans chose to study abroad in 2006. It seems German students are more prepared to study overseas than peers from other industrial nations, while international students Germany are increasing year on year and arriving from all parts of the globe.

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