How To Study In Germany

Each country differs in their available study programs and processes: therefore, it essential to weigh up your options in the diverse array of subjects, exams and term structures available to you.
Once you succeed in procuring your desired place in your university of choosing in Germany, it can be difficult to navigate and organize the dilemma of new structures and a new country. In Germany, many matters concerning university are handled over the internet: this is essential for all students, as many of them live internationally and are not available within the university at all times, especially over the holidays.
In most cases, the prospective student will receive her access data with the enrollment form: for example, the web-based learned program named ILIAS, through which you will have access to lecture documents and any further content. The library also contains such a platform. With this great access, a student can control if the specific book they want is available at that time, or they can renew the length of time with which they can kep these books.

Using these various sites and the specific university web-page is a fantastic start in regards to finding all necessary information. Furthermore, it is essential to gain knowledge in available subjects and lectures. Not only is this important in choosing the right study program, but also in making your own flexible timetable.
Every specific study program retains its own study conditions and curriculum. These details make it simple to interact with all different courses. The study conditions describe which subjects and lectures are available, and where they have different weights: other information provided includes which lectures need to be absolved. The curriculum demonstrates what subject needs to be completed in regards to which term. it is possible to make your own flexible timetable by asking for assistance among older students or the student advisor.
In Germany, one academic year contains two terms, more commonly known as semesters: a winter and summer term. Both of these terms last for half a year and individually contain two parts: the lecture period and the lecture-free period.
The lecture period means that every lecture and class takes place within the university, whereas in the lecture-free period the end-of-term exams will take place: it is also possible to make an internship, to work or to simply enjoy your holidays.
Within university there are many different forms of lectures. The normal lectures are the main part of most programs: a professor will speak in front an audience of students concerning important content. Conversely, seminars include an exchange between the designated professor and his/her students, and in exercises, the students can apply their theoretical knowledge in practical projects.
These such lectures can be amalgamated in a module; for example, one module can incorporate a normal lecture and the fitting exercise. This is then finished with a presentation, homework or an exam. For each module, the students then get "Credit Points" or ECTS Points. These points make it easier to compare the different range of programs to those of different countries. In addition to these points, the students receive grades for completed exams. The grades create the average degree at the completion of a term of study program: the Credit Points show if the has passed their studies or not.

At various German universities there any assorted contact persons with which you can visit when problems or queries arise. The university themselves will provide students with counselors who are available to answer any questions referring to studies, and specific questions concerning the process of studying itself. Moreover, there are counselors on hand regarding general questions about life at university. For international and exchange students, the foreign office can provide assistance for different languages, and they are helpful concerning special problems which can arise. If a student is having problems relating to exam or content questions the professors or staff will certainly be more than happy to assist.
The students themselves also provide counselors, specifically the student council. This is an organization from one program, and each study program has its own specific council. The students council resolves all queries concerning studies and life. As there are many older students in each council, a student can ask different questions concerning the process and concrete cycle of the studies and lectures. Anyone can become a member of the student council if interested in the university policy.